The Sexual Politics of Destruction: Gender, Sex, and Sin in Bavli Gittin
Sex in the Shadow of Rome: Sexual Violence and Theological Lament in Bavli Gittin's Disaster Tales
Conquered Bodies in the Roman Bedroom: The Gender Politics of Beauty in Bavli Gittin's Destruction Tales
Disability Srudies and the Destruction of Jerusalem: Rabbi Tsadok and the Subversive Potency of Dissident Flesh
Materiality and Memory: Body, Blood, and Land in Rabbinic Tales of Death and Dismemberment
Romans Before the Rabbis' God: Rabbinic Fantasies of Recompense, Revenge, and the Transformation of Flesh
Opulence and Oblivion: Class, Status, and Self-Critique in Bavli Gittin's Tales of Feasting and Fasting.